The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 500

“Alright. Which way is to Angela, and which way to the werewolves?”

I caught up with Kayla and the others who are rushing toward Shirley’s location, and tell them to not chase anymore. And I pointed to where Angela is, and where the werewolves are. For the werewolves, they just need to go back to where they came from.

“Jewel and I will help Angela. The others can go back to where the werewolves are. How strong are the two enemies the werewolves are facing?” Kayla asked.

“About the same level as average mohawk. But they are cautious. That’s why the werewolves are having problem,” I said.

Unlike my fight before, the werewolves unable to get too close to the enemies as the enemies already put up their guards before the werewolves reached them. And once the werewolves hit their defense, the two mohawks attacked them with magic.

Some werewolves got injured, but their regeneration skill healed them fast. Still, if they are not careful, they would die.


With Shelia and the others helping them, it should be okay.

Now, I will go to Shirley’s location. She’s there with the other wind mages, Wendy and Veronica. It’s a good thing the enemy is not a fire mage. But he’s an earth mage. And his defense is most likely impregnable by wind magic of a lower level.

If I’m not wrong, Shirley’s other element is ice, while Wendy’s other element is fire. But they were all not good enough to break the defense of the enemy. As for Veronica, she doesn’t have other elements. There’s nothing they have that could destroy the enemy’s defense.

Even Sara’s bullet won’t be enough to pierce his defense. Kayla is approaching her currently and told her to go back and help the werewolves.

I finally see Shirley and the others even without Divine Vision. And they also noticed me coming.

“His element?” I asked the three about the enemy they are facing. I hope he just has one element.

“So far, he only used earth magic. Even our wind magic combined is not enough to destroy his wall,” Wendy said.

“I’ll take care of it. But it seems like I will need to add more speed. Push me with your wind!” I said.

With my command, the three stopped attacking. And all of them used wind magic to give me a boost as I transformed Blobbies into a drill.


With three expert level wind mages, my speed, even if I don’t move my legs, is already faster than Spot’s max speed. Which is scary. But this might be the only way I can destroy his wall.

Seems like I don’t even need to spin the drill. I’ll just transform it into a huge pointy shield so I can destroy the wall.

With this speed, even if I cover my arms with Aura, I will still end up with broken arms. That’s why I changed my posture. From holding the shield in the middle, to holding the shield on the side, while using my feet to step on the middle of the shield. This way, at the moment of impact, in case it’s not enough to break the wall, I will add more power by using a drop kick to add more damage to the wall. I’m more confident with my legs’ strength than my arms.

I looked at the man inside the Earth Wall, and he’s also looking at me. Though he can’t see through the wall like me, he can still sense something is approaching with high speed. But he doesn’t know what it is. Since it’s not magic.

Maybe he knows that magic is used, but he doesn’t know what is coming. After all, the magic is only used to push me forward as fast as possible.

It’s finally here. The moment of impact. I need to time it carefully.

The pointy part of the shield has touched the wall, and it’s still digging in. I need to time it perfectly so the moment my momentum slowed down; I need to kick the shield forward.

The thickness of the wall is about one meter. If it’s a normal wall, or magic from a lower level earth mage, I can destroy it easily. But this is a master level magic. Even if it’s an artificial one, it is still powerful.

But thanks to the boost given by our wind mages, I managed to pierce through half of the wall. Now, I just need to kick it once the shield stopped moving forward. But maybe that’s not enough.

“Push me even more!” I shouted. And the three wind mages... no. Two wind mages boosted me. Shirley and Wendy.

As for Veronica, she’s preparing something. Still, two wind mages giving me a boost while I giving a dropkick to the shield is enough to break through the wall.

Not just that. The shield not only making an opening, but it continues going forward to the enemy.

I have let go of the shield after kicking it. But before letting it go completely, I transformed it into a form that I’m very used to. A spear.

The shield, now is the spear, is flying toward the enemy. The enemy was shocked to see a shield transformed into a spear as it tries to pierce him. The man quickly raised another wall. This wall is not as strong as the previous wall, but it still managed to stop Blobbyspear.

The spear is just a few millimeters away from his face as the wall stopped the spear in the middle. Just a little push and I can kill him.

I run toward the spear about to punched the butt of the spear, but the man is about to step back and dodged it. I’m still too slow.

The good thing is, Veronica finally used her magic to push the spear even before I reached the spear. Making the spear move forward and stab the enemy before he dodged it. That was nice.

“Good job, Veronica! Though how did you know that my attack will be stopped?” I asked.

“We fought him first before you came. And he seems to have a lot of experience in fighting. That’s why I thought he would use another wall to stop your attack. If you didn’t transform the shield to a spear in time, we won’t win,” Veronica said.

As expected of someone with the most experience. Even Shirley and Wendy didn’t expect the enemy to put another wall. Still, if it’s only one person who pushed me forward instead of two, we won’t win.

“Seems like we need to gain more experience. Even from watching, we can gain some experience,” Wendy said.

“That’s something that you have to find on your own. Now that this guy has died, I will go help the werewolves,” I said.

“What about us? Are there any other enemies?” Shirley asked me.

“You can come with me to where the werewolves are, or you can help Angela. Though I don’t think she will need much help, you can gain some experience by watching, right? The werewolves seem to be in trouble even when Celestine and the others helping them. I need to go there as fast as possible. I’ll open a portal to where Sara is so we can get there faster,” I said.

“I’ll go with you. How much trouble do they having?” Shirley asked.

“...Shit. Some of the werewolves are already injured, and their regeneration skill is not enough to heal themselves. I should have gotten Kayla over there instead. Let’s go!” I said.

I opened a portal to where Sara is sniping the enemy, and quickly charged to the enemies. Some of the werewolves had their limbs severed and their regeneration skill is not enough. They will die soon.

The enemies, two mohawks, a man and a woman, are protecting each other’s back. The woman is an ice mage, while the man is a fire mage. And their teamwork is much better than the werewolves who prefer to fight their own way.

I should have taught the werewolves how to fight together. I’m a failure of a king. Or at least that’s what I thought. For the werewolves, I seem to be a good king since I’m bringing them to many fights.

The three wind mages fly toward the enemies as well to help. And while we’re moving, two huge Earth Wall appear on the left side and the right side of the enemies. They are Celestine’s magic.

Celestine then put her hands together as the two Wall approached the enemies to crush them in between them. Everyone thought that the fight will be over, but that’s wrong.

The woman used ice magic to destroy the wall on the left, while the man used fire magic to destroy the wall on the right. Just like that, the two enemies are still alive.

But they have fought for so long. Their mana should be depleted soon and they will die.

I can’t wait for that. There will be more casualties if that happens. That’s why I need to get there fast.

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